What's New
[February 2025]
The results on \(K^0_L \to \pi^0 \nu \bar\nu\) and \(K^0_L \to \pi^0 X \) from 2021 data were published in Physical Review Letters (Phys.Rev.Lett. 134, 081802).

[September 2023]
New results (preliminary) on \(K^0_L \to \pi^0 \nu \bar\nu\) from 2021 data were presented at KEK IPNS and J-PARC Joint Invited Seminar.

[March 2023]
New results on \(K^0_L \to XX, X \to \gamma\gamma\) (from 2018 data) were published to Phys.Rev.Lett. 130, 111801.

[March 2021]
New results (from 2016-2018 data) were published to Phys.Rev.Lett. 126, 121801.

[September 2020]
New results on \(K_L \to \pi^0 \gamma\) (from 2016-2018 data) were published to Phys.Rev. D 102, 051103(R).

[June 2019]
New results (from 2015 data) were featured in NEWS DIGEST of CERN COURIER May/June 2019.

[March 2019]
New results (from 2015 data) were featured in the press release from KEK and J-PARC and in INTERACTIONS.ORG.

[January 2019]
New results (from 2015 data), presented at the ICHEP2018 SEOUL conference and the FPCP2018 Hyderabad conference in July and featured as a KEK-IPNS topics (in Japanese), were published to Phys.Rev.Lett. 122, 021802.

[February 2017]
First results (from 2013 data) were published to PTEP 2017, 021C01 (11 pages).

[April 2015]
Resume the physics run.

[May 2013]
First physics run for 100 hours with 24kW beam.

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